Saturday, September 17, 2011


Of course I had to chrome him out.

Someone must have farted on his pillow.

Completed here with little friend. Maybe one of the strangest wedding presents ever but I hope the think of me and smile everytime they look at it. Selfish?

completed stool.

I completed my stool that I bought. I was planning on staining it but decided to paint it instead due to some imperfections in the wood. I used a rubber based paint so it has an interesting, hopefully durable finish.
I did the top and sides with a black corduroy that I found around the house. Pretty pleased with how it looks as I write this post while sitting on it.

hurricane elephant.

I bought this elephant at my favorite thrift store with plans to make it a wedding present for my brother and now sister in law.
Of course it was broken so my first task was to fix the tusk.